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Free consultations. All cases handled per the flat-rate prices listed in our Fees section.

Helping Good People
Out of Bad Situations
Our firm WINS criminal, DUI, and driver’s license restoration cases. When dealing with criminal or DUI charges, our seasoned lawyers will help you avoid as many of the legal penalties and negative consequences as possible during your case.

“Jeffery and his team took great care of my case from start to finish. I knew exactly what to expect and what was required of me and they laid all that out at the beginning of the process.”
Meet Our DUI, Drivers #澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖查询 #168网澳洲幸运10开奖结果 #澳洲10官方历史开奖 #168澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖结果 License Restoration, and Criminal Defense Lawyers
We take pride in our team’s exceptional skills and compassionate approach, with a commitment to being welcoming, extremely friendly, and transparent to all our clients.
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Our comprehensive blog has thousands of articles where you can learn about Michigan criminal, DUI, and driver’s license restoration cases.